%% Amiga News                                                          %%

WASHINGTON, D.C., JUNE 8, 1994 - David Haynie, former senior system
hardware design engineer for Commodore International Limited, has joined
Scala, Inc., the leader in computer-based television information systems,
as senior systems engineer.  In this position, Haynie will oversee all
computer-related hardware research and development activities in Scala's
R&D office in Exton, PA.

Scala's vice-president of engineering Jeff Porter said, "Dave has been a
key hardware design and development person for the Amiga.  His expertise
and experience will enable us to evaluate and develop computer-related
hardware for the information super-highway."

Besides his tenure with Commodore, Haynie has been employeed by General
Electric and Bell Laboratories.  He holds a Bachelors Degree in Electrical
Engineering and Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon

"It [Scala] is the next big thing." Haynie said when he joined Scala. "I
will advise set-top box manufacturers how to develop a sophisticated, yet
inexpensive multimedia computer in next generation set-tops.  I will also
be doing software work on Scala's MMOS."  Scala's Multimedia Multitasking
Operating System (MMOS) is an object oriented kernel (OS) to be used in
future products.

Scala, founded in 1987 in Norway and incorporated in the U.S. in 1992,
develops and markets computer-based television information solutions.
Available in ten languages, Scala's multimedia tools are used by 45,000
users in more than 40 countries.

Scala and MMOS are registered trademarks of Scala, Inc.


Bithead Technologies announces GameSmith

The GameSmith Developement System!

Why? Games are fun! Besides that, about 99% of the games out there just
aren't quite up to your standards.

"C" and assmebler programmers, this is your answer! AMOS and blitz
users: tired of BASIC restrictions? Tired of so-so tools? Do you want
commercial quality results without spending years in development?
Then check out what GameSmith has to offer.

Three years in the making, the GameSmith Development System provides
all of the low level muscle your programs require, freeing you to
concentrate on the things you really want to spend time on - GAME
CREATION! With the introduction of Commodore's exciting new CD32 game
machine, more people than ever want to get in on the action. Amiga
owners are in luck, because the GameSmith Development System allows
even novice programmers to create stunning results. GameSmith
significantly reduces development time. No matter what model of the
Amiga you're targeting, no matter what operating system level.

What is it?

The GameSmith Development System comes with a linker library of highly
optimized games systems and several utilities for game creation. Most
of the system was written in assembler, giving you true arcade
performance. Your programs can make use of any or all the individual
pieces in the linker library.

The major components of the toolkit include:

-The most sophisticated programmmable animation system available today,
and all at arcade speed. Using animated objects has never been easier!

-A sound sample/effects player of unrivaled ease. Very efficient!

-An ILBM picture loader. Load any picture with a single function call
(including encrypted graphics), or merely interrogate the file (get
dimentions, color, etc.). Optionally fill a color table at load time
and/or allocate one or two bitmaps to hold the picture.

-Sophisticated display system for taking over the Amiga's display.

-Many utility routines: Joystick polling, Vector routines, and many

The system comes with roughly 400-500 pages of manuals. You get a
User's Guide, a Library Reference, and the CITAS manual.


GameSmith Development System (GDS) works with every Amiga, and will run
on any system with WorkBench 1.3 or higher.

What if I want to sell something I make with this system:

No problem! there are no distribution royalties whatsoever. In fact
people won't be able to tell you've even used this system for your

What do I need in order to use GDR?

You'll need either a "C" compiler or an assembler. Programmers should
be familiar with either "C" or assembler. You don't have to be an
expert, but you should be familiar with basic things like pointers,
structures, hexidemical notation, and how bitplanes are combined to
form a bitmap for display.

How can I see for myself?

Demos (including source) and the inclide files are available for
download from the support board. They are also File Requestable on
FidoNet. (Core Link 303-427-9165, 1:104/302)


GDS is available direct from BitHead Technologies for the special
introductory offer of $79.95US. this is more than a $50 savings from
dealer pricing! Sorry, no dealer sales at this price. Direct sales for
end users only.

BitHead Technologies
GameSmith Developement System
8085 North Raleigh Place
Westminster, CO 80030-4316


Yup even with the news lately this event is still running at
full speed!!!

Ok here is some final information about it

Where : Hotel Howard Johnson Plaza

When  : 10th of July 1994 (it is a sunday)
        from 9am until 7pm
Cost  : $7 CDN

This event is for all people interested in the AMIGA platform, 
that wish to meet other users using the amiga.  See new products
(software & hardware), watch some demonstrations and presentations
(video toaster, desktop publishing etc...)

There will be 4 main competitions held at the convention 
     - 3D Animations
     - 3D Images
     - Music compositions
     - Games competitions on a CD32

Prizes for each competition will be approximately $200 CDN!!!

To get more informations about it leave e-mail at 

or at Frederic Tessier
      922 DesChamps, Sainte-Julie
      J3E 1N9

or call 514-649-9756 after 6pm or at 514-394-8718 from 8am until 5pm

If you are an amiga dealer, software/hardware developper and want
a stand there, please contact us as soon as possible (places are limited).
For 50$ CDN, you will be able to get 2 tables of 6' by 2' + 1 full hour
in the conference room for doing presentations!!! Of course you are
authorised to sell any amiga products.


Custom Services Continues Support of the Amiga
 What we sell:
  STU, The Amiga System Test Utility.   $34.95
       This utility test your memory and disk drives.  It works
       on  *ALL* Amiga Models.
       Version 7.1 is available now for all registered users.
       Upgrades are free if you use the support BBS.  Mailed updates
       require you send in a $5 handling fee.

  Other things we do: 
  Citadel BBS program, Citadel is a freeware port from the IBM version.
  It is a complete BBS system with utilities, external protocols, and
  many features only found in a Citadel!  Source is available.
  Citadel is fully supported, full featured BBS program.  A great way
  to try out being a SYSOP.  Cost: $0.0, free.

  Custom Services has also written several doors which not only run
  under Citadel, but also CNET, DLG, and several other popular BBS
  programs.  These are:

    Nuclear Warfare       -  Computer Players, General Warfare.
    Citadel Space Empire  -  Greatly Enhanced Space Empire, The best!
    and several other doors for Citadel support.
  The Bottom line is Custom Services is committed to the Amiga.  We will
  continue to support our existing products, our registered users, and
  have new products in development that will be on the Amiga.  We have
  supported the Amiga since 1985 and will continue to do so in the future.
  Our support is not contingent on what happens in the days and weeks

Custom Services            
P. O. Box 254              
Moorestown, NJ 08055       
BBS: 24 hr, 14.4K, The Amiga Zone, 609-953-8159
Owner: Tony Preston

apreston@isd.csc.com or Tony-Preston@portal.com

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